Mr Putin has since accused the liberal opposition of having started a destructive trend in street protests.
At their annual meetings next week in Berlin, the agencies must face the question of how to reverse this destructive trend.
Perversely, this destructive trend may now prod other governments to agree on broader liberalization, because they fear the loss of America's relatively open markets.
To reverse this destructive trend, he must stop listening to the Aerospace Industries Association and its affiliated military industrial political action committees.
It is not too late to reverse this destructive trend if we act now.
It is an attempt at a model for attacking urban migration, which is one of the country's most destructive economic trends.
The Montreal Protocol and other regulations banning ozone-depleting substances have reversed the destructive trend first noticed in the late 1980s.
"The most destructive trend in American politics is cynicism," said Mr. Bangiola.
Identifying the widespread destructive trends wrought by corruption upon the nation, Pakatan Rakyat vows to:
The Family saw the need to reverse the destructive trend and started propagating natives as a hobby.