Visits to the cemetery were not satisfactory, and his desultory attempt to interest himself in the young widows of the parish came to nothing.
A desultory attempt to swim was soon abandoned, and I just floated about in a semi-somnambulistic state.
One makes a desultory attempt at conversation while the other lassoes horseflies with smoke rings.
There was a desultory attempt at small talk in the car, which unexpectedly turned serious.
She watched them as she made desultory attempts to bargain with the last of the farmers, a stolid, square fellow, and began to feel sorry for them.
There are desultory attempts to work in a little history.
And for a long time there've been desultory attempts to reduce computers in size and give them some of the characteristics of life.
After several desultory attempts, followed by a brief (and nurse-crammed) estrangement and then one big fight, he has reestablished their relationship on a sexual footing.
The maids made a desultory attempt to look through their black plastic trash bag.
He made a desultory attempt to control his coxcomb, while Chad looked on.