Occasionally a genuine conversation would bubble up out of the desultory chats and interminable silences that now characterized most of the house interaction, but these moments never lasted long.
Michael had been introduced to and had exchanged desultory chat with both men.
Our client appeared to have taken fresh heart at the little glimpse of hope which had been presented to him, and he even broke into a desultory chat with me over his business affairs.
The two have a cup of tea and a desultory chat before Mary takes a nap on the couch.
They postponed the decision in desultory chat, "And what of your researches?"
Instead it's a mom-and-pop kind of town; the same family has always owned the general store, and a rented bicycle comes with a desultory chat about back roads, and a reminder to wear a helmet.
We had a desultory chat about the merits of Uzis.
Tinegate sent for drinks, and they had a desultory chat, mostly about their Service experiences and other officers whom they found to be mutual acquaintances.
There was a brief period of desultory chat, then Pitts herded them toward a large round table, seating Will next to him.
After a few minutes more of desultory chat, the meeting broke up.