Quincy was detached from European duty on 1 September and steamed for Boston, arriving one week later.
I'm detaching you from regular duty and assigning you full time to them.
Rear Admiral Blakely was detached from duty at Pensacola late in the summer of 1937.
He was detached from duty after serving afloat and ashore for fifty-five years.
He was detached from duty in June 1879, broken down by overwork, and was retired in May 1881.
Detached from further duty, she returned to San Diego where repairs could be made.
"The Harbor Master at Angel Island has detached him from duty there to be my personal bodyguard."
He is, er, detached from duty with the guard?
"Five years ago, we were detached from active duty to serve on the team that forged the Impriman Trade Agreement."
On 25 November, Turkey and her 34 sister ships received orders detaching them from duty in the North Sea.