He detailed Manning's two interceptions against the Jaguars.
Boxed set module detailing an epic campaign against a notorious raider army, the "Doomriders".
On Monday, it filed additional legal documents with the court that detailed its accusations against the Chinese company.
Reginold appears in an 808 entry detailing a campaign of Gudfred against the Obotrites.
Caesar mentions the land forfeiture in his account of the civil war, without detailing Helvian actions against Rome.
In December Graham and Smith launched a blog detailing their complaints against the trio.
I detailed my long standing prejudice against the move 1.
The Bush team has yet to provide a dossier, in Arabic, detailing all the evidence against bin Laden.
Finally, after detailing military arguments against an attack in the West, he appealed for peace.
When she testified before Congress, she brought along 14 pages detailing crimes against interracial families.