A report published on 30 September 2010 detailing allegations McDonald's had plans to drop health coverage for hourly employees drew criticism from McDonald's as well as the Obama administration.
The two-page handwritten letter detailed Mr. Piazza's frustrations and allegations that his former bosses had placed the child pornography on his computer, Chief Biasotti said.
The organization said it had received no official response from the Philippines to its March report detailing allegations of murder by military and paramilitary forces and instances of "disappearances."
Jones left the same night that an editor at New West magazine read Jones an article to be published by Marshall Kilduff detailing allegations by former Temple members.
An investigative report detailing allegations of substantial abuse was released in 2010.
According to a Post lawyer, Bailey had been working on an article detailing financial allegations against the bakery, which has been the centre of past controversy.
On February 23, 2007, The Texas Observer published a news story detailing allegations of child sexual abuse by staff members at the West Texas State School.
The book dovetails with the Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan event detailing allegations of military misconduct among U.S. soldiers in Iraq.
The US-funded satellite network Al Hurra broadcast a story on 6 January 2005 detailing allegations that Saddam's regime had bribed news reporters with oil coupons.