The sky was fuzzy and gray, with distant detail so blurred that the nearby glacier-riddled mountains appeared insubstantial as a tall bank of clouds.
The details of that night blurred, leaving only frayed bits of conversation, but they were enough to confirm his worst suspicions.
Hypersonics flew so high and fast that details blurred to non-existence, seas were reduced to a formless blue plane.
But most likely, these details will blur like the fast-stepping legs of the tango dancers around us.
All details blurred and vanished; the surface seemed a liquid red-orange.
In the self, the details blur in the very processes of thought; mental self-dissection is possible, but it takes great effort to sustain.
An idea was floating round in his brain, the details for the moment blurred.
The details of their humanoid forms had blurred, their bodies connected together via appendages that had earlier been arms.
It had been an unwinnable competition--so many worlds over so many years that the details of one blurred into the memories of another.
I should as certainly add: details of the inner scene, blurred because you were to some extent distracted.