Newspapers in Buffalo, Detroit, Washington, New York and even Britain, together with border radio and television stations, reported details gleaned from sources at Homolka's trial.
That detail, gleaned from her medical records, is revealed in the biography and was first reported in The Daily News yesterday.
Today protesters gathered there and talked of little but the events of the last 24 hours and the new details gleaned about Mr. Dutroux's life.
One intriguing detail, gleaned in conversation years ago with a member of the Court, tells me Tyrie should keep pushing for answers.
He bases his conclusions on a pattern of details gleaned from many different accounts, too dispersed in time, he believes, to have been concocted or coordinated.
A picture came up of the Red Star, with details gleaned from Wansor's patient study of the face the planet presented its viewers.
Those were some of the details gleaned from a list of locations showing where victims' bodies had been found that Louisiana officials released yesterday.
Great attention was paid to details gleaned from noir films like White Heat and The Big Sleep in creating one's ideal Self from deliberately invoked forms.
A few further details, gleaned from the Papers them- selves, have been added in brackets.
All too often, they're either burdened with arcane details gleaned from the library stacks or they wander off into a wistful, distancing lyricism.