Where possible, as well as describing expected lifetimes, factors affecting data retention will be detailed including potential technology issues.
There's some good detailing though, including a lockable storage bin in the fairing and an internal power socket, while the headlights are easily adjustable.
He detailed the rules of the game, including the proviso that there is no winner.
In an aggrieved tone, he detailed abuses by the Dingell staff, including use of the term "fraud."
The two authors detailed many technical aspects of the Soviet hydrogen bomb program, including the 1953 blast.
It detailed the political, economic, cultural and social rights of the Chinese people, including the right to work and freedom of religious belief.
It detailed their visits to Afghanistan, including their travel itineraries.
He detailed that he would finish his scheduled concerts, including a Christmas tour throughout the United States.
A short unpublished paper (Loomis, 1985) outlined the concept and detailed some ideas for implementation, including the idea of a virtual sound interface.