Although records were kept, no records have survived detailing judicial proceedings under the Council.
All current work experience and internship schemes are detailed on this site under the "Other opportunities" heading.
Many of her letters detailed her concern over Germany's future under her son.
This country is being rocked by terrorist attacks after the release of a report detailing human rights abuses under the former military dictatorship.
Coustos wrote a book detailing his sufferings under the Inquisition.
In the third year the budget was not detailed under headings but awarded as a lump sum.
Another warder was detailed to patrol under the windows.
You will possibly find a number of cards under his name, each detailing one book under his authorship.
This strategy was detailed under the 1854 Treaty of La Pointe.
The board issued annual reports on its activities, detailing the finances and condition of the various municipalities under its control.