Is this the same administration that wants to detain citizens indefinitely without trial or representation within the United States?
Officers detained citizens without charges to meet quota and failed to report serious crimes, including rape, to make their department appear to be reducing crime rates.
"I call on the Cuban government to respect those rights and to refrain from detaining or harassing citizens who are expressing their views peacefully."
Our Constitution does not permit the federal government to detain American citizens indefinitely without charge or trial.
He was one of only two Republicans to oppose legislation to detain American citizens indefinitely.
It is a disturbing ruling, with sweeping implications for the power of the government to detain citizens.
He said the administration needed to stop detaining American citizens indefinitely without charges.
Next week, it will argue that it has just as much latitude to detain American citizens.
To Scalia, the case was about Congress and the president: the former had not authorized the latter to detain citizens without a hearing.
"Why would anyone want to detain senior citizens?"