The report will also make a series of recommendations that include overhauling Army policies to deal with detainee operations in counterinsurgencies.
Soldiers from the 508th trained up navy personnel to perform guard force duties and detainee operations.
A sergeant charged with reviewing the files before they went to the review board did not notice the entry, the general involved in detainee operations said.
General Miller still may be summoned to testify at a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee into detainee operations and prisoner abuse.
"The emphasis on detainee operations was just not there."
In 2004, he was appointed to oversee all detainee operations in Iraq.
Miller was appointed as the deputy commanding general for detainee operations for Multinational Forces in Iraq.
This was the last Navy unit to handle detainee operations in Camp Bucca.
It also recommended overhauling Army policies to deal with detainee operations in counterinsurgencies.
"The government failed to present any evidence of what are 'approved tactics, techniques and procedures in detainee operations,' " he wrote.