Doctors ran a magnetic resonance imaging, similar to tests used to detect fractures in bones, to check the blood circulation around the hip.
At first used to locate bullets and detect fractures, by the 1920's they were being used to detect problems in internal organs as well.
Why the test is performed The x-ray is used to detect fractures, tumors, or degenerative conditions of the joint.
In radiology, the measurement of Böhler's angle on a foot x-ray can help detect fractures of the calcaneus.
That will finance checkups for 51,000 patients who have functioning valves and for studies to prevent failures by detecting fractures early.
Implications for Pfizer With this understanding of valve failure, Shiley paid for research to find a way to detect microscopic fractures when they first appeared.
A skeletal x-ray is used to detect fractures, tumors, or degenerative conditions of the bone.
While CT is better at detecting fractures of the vertebrae, MRI can detect subtle changes in the bone that may be due to infection or tumor.
It is useful for detecting fractures of the surrounding bone arising from injury or disease.
The purpose of these warning signs is to detect fractures, tumors, or infections of the spine.