Behind this, at the centre back of your cerebrum, is a region called the occipital lobe which detects and interprets visual images.
Researchers have known for years that the inability to detect faint images is indicative of an unhealthy eye, and doctors have been working on appropriate tests since the 1970's.
The fundus contains a lining of nerve cells (the retina), which detects images seen by the clear, outer covering of the eye (cornea).
"CMOS sensor detects 3-D images for mobile apps".
Some researchers have detected increasingly violent images in magazines like Playboy and Penthouse over the course of the 70s, with them then returning to their more upscale style by the end of the decade.
If a black-and-white bitmap setting is scanned in, the exposure or threshold number can be set high enough to detect the black ink or dark images being scanned, but low enough to leave out the non-photo blue.
Since 2004 Perry has been an invited speaker and provided expert testimony on the subject of detecting tampered digital images (both still images and video).
A study in 2008 found that both adults and children could detect images of snakes or spiders among a variety of non-threatening objects more quickly than they could pinpoint frogs, flowers or caterpillars.
A few interactive whiteboards can automatically detect projected images during a different type of calibration.
Symptoms are caused by degeneration in the retina, a delicate layer of cells at the back of the eye that detects images and relays them to the brain.