They have since been replaced with Motion detector and sound sensors to detect intruders.
Before he can proceed to give Jean the serum his guard dogs detect intruders.
For instance, security robots can be programmed to detect intruders and respond in a particular way depending upon where the intruder is.
The buildings are watched over by electronic sensors, more than 200 to collect radiation data and a separate network to detect intruders.
Security software that is being developed for identifying potential terrorists or detecting intruders must be able to reliably recognize faces.
In information security, intruder detection is the art of detecting intruders behind attacks as unique persons.
A fibre-optic cable can be used to detect intruders by measuring the difference in the amount of light sent through the fibre core.
Ultrasonic sensors are also used to detect intruders; the ultrasound can cover a wide area from a single point.
They have since been replaced with motion and sound sensors to detect intruders on the base.
This makes it possible for crocodiles to detect prey, danger and intruders, even in total darkness.