Why the Debate Mammography is able to detect suspicious lesions in the breast before they can be felt by the hand.
The new Roche test detects precancerous lesions over 90% of the time.
This video shows a new way that doctors are treating Veterans for colon cancer using a special blue dye to detect flat lesions.
The main goal of colposcopy is to prevent cervical cancer by detecting precancerous lesions early and treating them.
It is often used in order to detect microvascular lesions in organs.
It also helps detect and diagnose lesions in the carotid arteries which is a potential cause of strokes.
"Our whole goal is to detect lesions early," Dr. Beard said.
It is used to detect inflammatory lesions and metastases.
Screening to detect early cancer or precancerous lesions.
Thus, high- resolution MRI is required to detect subtle lesions.