In the near future, Region 8 will have the capability of performing rapid tests to detect and identify pathogens in various environmental media.
The new techniques require microbiological testing to detect invisible pathogens, which are the major cause of foodborne illness.
The department's inspectors would begin to use new scientific tools to detect pathogens in meat.
Such techniques are part of the effort to detect invisible foodborne pathogens causing of food poisoning.
This concept often is realized in test systems for detecting pathogens.
There are a variety of methods used to detect and kill pathogens.
And about 100 biotechnology companies are trying to develop technology for detecting or fighting pathogens that may be used by terrorists or rogue nations.
Detecting novel pathogens in relation to human cancer and inflammatory diseases
Thus, individuals possessing rare types are better equipped to detect pathogens.
Among other things, that could aid the development of devices to detect pathogens like anthrax.