This procedure is used to detect similar or exact relationships between the DNA in question and other organisms, so the technique takes advantage of non-exact hybridization.
Stratification can be used to control for confounding variables (variables other than those the researcher is studying), thereby making it easier for the research to detect and interpret relationships between variables.
S.R.D., now I.B.M.'s Entity Analytics unit, has worked for years on specialized software for quickly detecting relationships within vast storehouses of data.
Because most longitudinal studies are observational, in the sense that they observe the state of the world without manipulating it, it has been argued that they may have less power to detect causal relationships than do experiments.
N-DEx detects relationships between people, vehicles/property, location, and/or crime characteristics.
Kaplan-Meier curves were also used to evaluate the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding duration and socioeconomic determinants, since Cox's regression may fail to detect clinically important, but statistically insignificant, relationships [ 19 ] .
Although a number of other methods for detecting relationships between the variance and mean in biological samples have been proposed, to date none have achieved the popularity of Taylor's law.
New tools are needed that focus on having machines do the grunt work, producing summaries, identifying what is unusual, detecting relationships, and visualizing the data for human analysis.
In fact, the latter seem to be more sensitive in detecting potential deep evolutionary relationships and this is expected to further improve with the increasing number of completely sequenced genomes becoming available for analysis.