Ford is looking at technology in which infrared beams are used to detect the proximity and temperature of an occupant.
The only sensors she had inside the gasbag were the ones to detect temperature, contamination, and pressure levels.
Thermoreceptors in the skin detect temperature in the environment relative to body temperature.
A host of sensors detects acceleration, deceleration, tilt, temperature and smoke.
But you said that this - Machine you had devised would be able to detect temperature and winds on the surface.
Brillouin scattering effects can be used to detect strain and temperature over larger distances (20-30 kilometers).
Having all those nerves on the outside allows the whale to detect water pressure, temperature and salinity.
Protopathic neurons are responsible for detecting pain, itch, tickle, and temperature.
The group plans that Leonardo will have skin that can detect temperature, proximity, and pressure.
For example, they could detect ambient temperature and other environmental conditions, giving us the chance to have a personalized weather forecast for our immediate area.