Applications could, using a system-wide service, automatically detect certain types of data, such as dates, names, addresses, and more.
The weights t can be chosen such that the trend test becomes locally most powerful for detecting particular types of associations.
It must detect temperature changes, vibrations, certain types of radiation, and the like.
A series of tests can detect different types of antibodies to help determine whether you were infected recently or sometime in the past.
"Excelsior's new sensors were designed to detect very specific types of gaseous phenomena," she said.
Several applications aim to detect and solve different types of semantic gaps.
Another approach to generate texture features is to use local masks to detect various types of textures.
It can also be configured to detect other types of contraband material.
But in practical applications researchers are mainly interested to detect types.
He was among the first scientists to detect different types of hepatitis caused by different viruses.