The only shipment with any detectable amount was the birdseed, and it was really nothing.
One sample container is filled with water known from previous analysis to contain no detectable amount of the chemical of interest.
There's probably a small amount of plasm collected here since the catastrophe, most likely a detectable amount.
Thus, it is effective in smaller, less detectable amounts when used illicitly through injection, tablets or by being rubbed into the skin.
Most of these substances would not end up in finished products in detectable amounts.
In 1988, no detectable amounts of Alar, based on spot tests conducted by the state, will be permitted.
You could put a tiny but detectable amount of a rare element into the metal which wouldn't disappear after it was melted down.
In addition, there are detectable amounts of uranium and phosphates.
After manufacturing, a detectable amount of antimony can be found on the surface of the product.
However, after five years of infection, about 50% of all patients have detectable amounts of X4 virus.