Part IV: Estimating the risks and benefits of an early detection program.
A draconian, but effective, measure to clean up this situation would be to supplement the present detection program by testing all rookies for drugs.
The total costs to the company of running the early detection program were estimated to be $400,000.
Running the Antomine 12 data through a detection program.
This is a clear indication that our surveillance and detection program is working.
The rise was partly attributed to the health department's intensified detection program, which the centers helped finance.
There is even an attempt to stop screening and early detection programs because they find disease that costs money this year, instead of later.
However, we must agree on certain things, such as the age at which early detection programmes should begin.
Just this month, the Senate appropriated $33 million to finance detection programs.
It is time to leave the mammography screening debacle behind us and move on to effective detection programs that could be as widely available.