After catching up with their suspect and severely beating him, the detectives interrogate the man who reveals his drug connection.
They question whether the youths were coerced into giving signed confessions when detectives interrogated them.
Later, at the station house, detectives interrogate one of the perps.
Two detectives arrive at the boarding house and interrogate Jonathan, who tries to make Caesar talk about his role in the crime.
But as detectives interrogated her, another version emerged.
The detectives interrogate Fleming, who says he learned about Mullaly from an anonymous note slipped under his door.
The detective then listens to the witness' accounts and then interrogates them.
Two detectives interrogate Wesley about an attempted murder.
The two suspects, identified in a cross-country stroke of basic detective work, were not immediately charged with homicide as detectives interrogated them into the night.
After detectives interrogated her, a different picture emerged.