It serves as the detention site for death row inmates at Changi, before they are executed by hanging, traditionally on a Friday morning.
It was not clear whether he was at home in Beijing or at another detention site at the time of his formal arrest.
In fact, several detention sites were solely instituted for the purpose of sexually tormenting and humiliating the prisoners.
He said other detainees told him he was at the Bagram air base, an American detention site.
It remains unclear how widespread the abuse was in Baghdad's more than a dozen detention sites, official and unofficial.
The new manual would not govern interrogations by the Central Intelligence Agency at its detention sites.
Since that shift, there have been far fewer horror stories of foreign children with no criminal records being held for long periods at dreary detention sites.
The inquiry began after two Iraqi detainees received minor injuries while being transported to a detention site on Feb. 27.
The ashes of the dead had been collected at his initiative at concentration camps and other detention sites across Austria.
The prison also was a detention site for political prisoners after the start of Communist rule in Romania.