If domestic violence defendants present a particular risk of future violence, then why not enhance monitoring efforts to deter such actions?
Souter suggests giving a "bad man" the chance to look ahead and calculate the consequences of doing or not doing a bad act will deter harmful actions.
The executives urged the passage of "necessary and appropriate emergency response measures" by the Japanese Government that would deter unilateral American actions to resolve trade disputes.
But the bill is weak, and will do little to deter wrongful actions by health plans.
Mr. Goksel emphasized that any unit with the job of deterring actions would immediately be seen as an attempt to rein in Hezbollah.
State legislatures have been enacting laws governing lawsuits, including placing caps on awards of non-economic damages and deterring "frivolous" actions.
Growing government alarm was reflected at the Olomouc fortress which was in full combat readiness by July 1848, which was enough to deter revolutionary actions in the town.
The EU can, and must, use numerous tools to deter such actions, such as asset freezes, travel bans, etc.
This decision not only provided for indemnification to injured citizens, but greatly deterred arbitrary actions by bureaucrats.