You don't hear that outside of detergent commercials anymore.
There was a detergent commercial on now.
Towards the end of the 1960s, Morillo and Rodriguez were featured in a detergent commercial that became a popular ad among television viewers in Venezuela.
The pitch works, but this time the only vehicle that will allow him to run through his preferred brand of slapstick is a detergent commercial.
She began doing detergent commercials on television and playing smaller and smaller squalid clubs.
Must be the white they're always talking about in the detergent commercials, he thought.
The one who looked like he'd been rolling in dirt for a detergent commercial was bent over the other, cutting away a boot that was filled with blood.
A Japanese-American woman in her 60's, so average and middle-class she might have stepped out of a detergent commercial, glares at her stubborn, self-absorbed husband.
Set to music you might expect in a detergent commercial, its opening lines went as follows: "Israel is waiting for Rabin.
He thought, they plan to murder you in full view of several billion eyes, probably sandwiched in between detergent commercials, and all you can say is "Very efficient."