The situation fast deteriorated this week on the news that last year's budget deficit was higher than previously thought.
Since 2005, Pristavec was weakened by a prolonged illness and his physical strengtt deteriorated fast.
With expected growth of traffic, the situation at these junctions is likely to deteriorate fast.
In this period, the administration deteriorated fast.
Karpov, his position deteriorating fast, used up nearly all his thinking time trying to find a defence.
The company, its finances deteriorating fast, was declared bankrupt in November.
It was clear that the pitch was deteriorating fast, making Dravid's initial decision to field first even more unusual.
Conditions in some missions are deteriorating fast, but it is not clear how quickly people would be allowed to leave.
Dire prison conditions caused his health to deteriorate fast.
Don't try to keep truffles any longer; they deteriorate fast.