A complex legal investigation is under way to determine responsibility.
However, officers in charge were unable to determine responsibility or motive.
An author is broadly defined as "the person who originated or gave existence to anything" and whose authorship determines responsibility for what was created.
After a cease-fire is in place, many vexed issues will remain, like the appointment of an impartial body to determine responsibility for the war.
This is significant because ownership determines responsibility for maintenance and repair.
It was expected to lead to the appointment of an impartial body to determine responsibility for the conflict.
But he said the government needed to collect evidence to determine responsibility.
Many scientists and legal scholars have complained that tests like these, used by the law to determine criminal responsibility, are unscientific.
The resolution lists 10 concrete steps to a lasting peace, including the creation of an international tribunal to determine responsibility for the war.
The cease-fire resolution calls for an impartial body to determine responsibility for the war.