This was done to determine interest in (and the potential of) broadcasting throughout the summer months after most Bates students had returned home.
That will determine the tone and nature of your music cues throughout a series.
But the new devices actually monitor the battery and determine its state throughout its lifetime, he said.
The teachers' union holds great sway with legislators, who, with the governor, determine the structure of school systems throughout the state.
Scarborough's studies are used to determine information on local and national markets throughout the United States.
He assimilated the data, running programs to determine the potential social effects throughout the Directorate.
The clock was used to determine the first official time system throughout the kingdom.
Because of varying school schedules, it is difficult to determine the total number of classes throughout the system.
This is important in rivalries because fans can determine the outcome of the game and the overall mood throughout the game.
One step in the medical detective work is to determine differences in rates of infection throughout the community.