They set off, both men determinedly keeping panic in check, making for the corner where the piteous crying had resumed.
He turned then to Quinn, who determinedly kept a smile on her lips, mindful of her plan.
Sakata, however, determinedly kept holding onto the hat despite his pain until the director said "Cut!"
But the film does not blur fact and fiction; it smartly and determinedly keeps them apart.
They began to dance, with Melodie determinedly keeping him from crushing her against him.
As they waited for the food, Emily determinedly kept the talk general.
Jorge determinedly kept his eyes front.
Her mouth curled in a smile but she determinedly kept her lips closed.
"Wulfston," said Lenardo, determinedly keeping his voice level, "why are you so weak?"
Share prices of state-owned companies, had previously buoyed the market as the government kept determinedly ahead in the sale of its assets.