The Fokker-Planck equation is a deterministic partial differential equation.
Yet, the probability density function (PDF) obeys a deterministic equation of motion.
A complexor is generated by a set of deterministic nonlinear equations that has at least one positive Lyapunov exponent.
Such considerations can motivate the consideration of a stochastic model even though the underlying system is governed by deterministic equations.
This scaled trajectory converges to a deterministic equation which allows us stability of the system to be proven.
A transaction is a genuinely stochastic event, and therefore does not obey a deterministic equation.
How then does probability come to rear its ugly head if our dynamics is based on a nice and deterministic equation like [9]?
It is a deterministic ordinary differential equation in which the rate of change is expressed as a quadratic function of the population size.
It is significant, in the context of properties to be seen below, that they are thus 'deterministic' equations.
Many-worlds claims to reconcile the observation of non-deterministic events, such as the random radioactive decay, with the fully deterministic equations of quantum physics.