In 1975, Lady Onslow received minor injuries when she opened a letter bomb which failed to detonate properly.
The suspect is believed to have taken off and thrown away a dark blue soccer shirt after the attempted strikes, in which the bombs failed to detonate properly.
The device failed to detonate properly and there were no injuries.
While there was a small explosion and fire, the device failed to detonate properly.
One Soviet officer had told him that only one in ten would actually detonate properly with its full yield.
The bag contained a quantity of Semtex and petrol, but failed to detonate properly.
A bomb was thrown at the base but failed to detonate properly.
Without you, ordinance wouldn't detonate properly.
Of those, only a fraction detonated properly.
If the bomb is to detonate properly, these parts must have just the right dimensions, and there must be a firing circuit accurate to billionths of a second.