Such devices are typically detonated automatically by way of pressure from the target stepping or driving on it, though other detonation mechanisms may be possible.
The detonation mechanism is automatic.
His eyes had found the bomb, his ear the ticking of its detonation mechanism.
Sometime between the removal of the second and third screws, the sound of the detonation mechanism had changed from a tick to a rasp.
It seemed this power connected to the detonation mechanism for explosives set in a deep cave in the mountain.
The detonation mechanism lagged until it was too late.
Having no idea of the detonation mechanism, he mentally called up the shortest route to the deck, while grasping the device and pulling it off the wall.
They go underground and Wizard tells Trapster to place the girl on the floor near the detonation mechanism of his atomic Q-bomb.
However, the detonation mechanism fails.
No matter how much she tinkered with the torpedo's targeting sensors, trajectories, or detonation mechanism, she came up with the same result--failure.