But since the fast-detonating explosive is used on the sides of the cone, the two detonation waves reach the base at the same time.
Pulse detonation engines utilize the detonation wave for aerospace propulsion.
The arrival of the detonation wave at the spherical surface instantly and simultaneously fires the explosive liner.
The use of the low- and high-speed explosives again results in a spherical converging detonation wave to compress the physics package.
The engine is pulsed because the mixture must be renewed in the combustion chamber between each detonation wave initiated by an ignition source.
This test establishes the minimum physical size a charge of a specific explosive must be to sustain its own detonation wave.
We're staying on this planet until the detonation waves reach it, so we may be able to rescue you.
A detonation wave is essentially a shock supported by a trailing exothermic reaction.
The Chapman-Jouguet condition holds approximately in detonation waves in high explosives.
It is designed to operate before the detonation wave makes it from the hose side to the supply side.