The government also put detour routes in place, urged commuters to take public transport and to carpool.
While there was some serious congestion on the detour routes, the expected traffic jams and long delays did not fully materialize.
A permanently signed detour route should not be confused with a "permanent detour".
However, other colors, such as orange and brown, are sometimes used when detour routes overlap with one another.
The detour route is signed as US 9 Temporary.
Using a flashlight, he'd funnel reluctant drivers onto the dreaded detour route.
The two detour routes included using city streets through downtown Wheeling or by using the I-470 loop.
This salmon is taking the detour route.
Fish ladders provide a detour route for migrating fish so that they can get over or around a dam that's blocking the way.
Now, officials at the agency and the airlines said, they will develop a consensus about detour routes and delays.