The police took Ms. Mann to Woodhull Hospital early yesterday, where she was held for four or five hours in the detoxification unit, he said.
The Smithers center also includes an in-patient detoxification unit, a training center and counseling services at the Roosevelt division.
The 12-bed medically supported detoxification unit continues to receive referrals from across the state.
Typically, alcohol detoxification takes place in a regular medical ward of a hospital, a specialized detoxification unit, or as an outpatient.
Operating in Watson, ACT, this is a two-week residential detoxification unit for adolescents.
The building will also have its own detoxification unit and its own locked unit, for those suffering unmanageble, sometimes violent withdrawal.
I think the detoxification unit is separate.
It has within itself, closed its detoxification unit for addicts in an area where drug abuse has reached pandemic levels, even with hospital premises.
The detoxification unit of the city's public hospital will not admit a man who walked off 20 months ago "against medical advice."
Counseling services and training classes have been slashed, as have detoxification units.