The castle has also reported damage after the devastating bombing of the Second World War.
Since then some of the civil war's "most devastating bombing and fiercest fighting has taken place" in Aleppo, often in residential areas.
The hotel came through World War II unscathed, despite the devastating bombings of Tokyo by the Americans.
Today, because of the devastating aerial bombings by the allied forces during the WWII, this house no longer exists.
From a minimum altitude, the squadron made a devastating bombing and strafing attack on the target.
Mr. Clinton's longest-serving aides said they had never seen him more visibly or viscerally angry than he was over the devastating bombing.
After the devastating bombing of the department store in 1940 owner H. Gordon Selfridge vowed never to open the rooftop gardens again.
Falah al-Naqib, the interior minister, said he "won't hesitate" to declare martial law if more devastating bombings take place.
A few hours later, he received the news of the devastating bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
And like Bali after the devastating terrorist bombing in October 2002, Phuket has discovered how fragile an economy tourism can be.