The school shall develop relevant plan and assessments.
Extensive work has also been done to align the curricular areas to state standards and to develop multiple assessments to guide instruction.
The research will focus on developing more accurate assessments of scallop abundance, as well as developing new methods for assessing abundance.
Much of the administration's case, however, revolves around Iraq's attempts to develop nuclear weapons and assessments of the pace of the efforts.
Cognifit (stylized as CogniFit) is a healthcare company that develops online cognitive assessments and brain training computer programs.
The Act requires states to develop assessments in basic skills.
Teachers will develop and refine essential learning and assessments for units of study.
Their purpose is to develop common formative and summative assessments that will help guide instruction, academic intervention and enrichment.
It should develop net assessments (comparing enemy capabilities and intentions against U.S. defenses and countermeasures).
The federal government has begun an effort to help states develop such assessments.