Government leaders have directed officials of the National Sports Authority to review the situation and develop changes.
Around age 40 most people develop visual changes caused by presbyopia, a form of farsightedness, which require them to get reading glasses.
One is that only a small proportion of the mice might develop changes in their brains that resemble Alzheimer's disease.
Furthermore, none of the rats developed colonic neoplastic changes in the 18 month period.
If a joint develops (new) changes in its ability to move, the affected part should be examined to determine the cause.
Within weeks, an industry-wide effort was under way to inspect and test planes and to develop changes in the lock design.
Tell your doctor immediately if you develop unexplained weakness and vomiting or sudden mental changes.
American, for example, has a computer system that tracks trends and a staff that has developed broad long-term changes.
Women who use ginseng regularly may develop breast tenderness and menstrual changes.
Long-term users develop changes in their heart that make death more likely.