He's been urging research into new technologies for developing secure channels and an alternative to subspace.
It is good practice for you to develop channels for informing and consulting your workforce and/or their representatives on employment matters and business developments.
Almost every network is developing specialized channels to attract certain kinds of viewers who can be sold to advertisers as a sure thing.
Some advocates say the experts too easily dismissed the drug because it was developed outside conventional academic channels or drug companies.
Original equipment manufacturers are now starting to develop non-OEM channels for reduced customer cost.
Unfortunately, due to the limestone formations underlying the reservoirs and the dams, water kept seeping from the reservoirs through naturally developing underground channels.
Extreme narrow-casting is in cable TV's future, as the industry develops new channels that include how-to programs 24 hours a day, nonstop game shows and endless romance.
Care should be taken to develop clear and effective channels of communication and decision-making structures which involve all employees.
All Member States must transpose all of the applicable legislation in this area and must develop channels for sharing good practice.
The company would go on to, or continue to pursue innovative marketing programs and develop new channels of distribution.