In the following days, a victim may develop difficulty breathing as the pneumonia spreads to another lobe.
It's rare, but some people gradually develop long-lasting difficulty with movement and coordination.
Tell the doctor immediately if your baby develops unusual sleepiness, difficulty feeding, or trouble breathing.
It is necessary to note that most young children do not develop emotional and behavioral difficulty.
You develop any pain or burning or difficulty with urination.
Returning to London in 1854, he gave concerts but soon developed vocal difficulty requiring an operation that destroyed his voice.
In the past year, both of them have developed difficulty walking more than a few steps at a time.
For example, the cat may develop difficulty in standing up or walking, becoming functionally paralyzed over time.
In a second group, from 10 to 20 percent of patients develop increasing difficulty in breathing.
After 6 months of age, affected dogs develop difficulty initiating movements and fall frequently.