Since 1977, he has been a private investor, developing such enterprises as a computer leasing company and a chain of tire stores in Denver.
Faced with anticipated defense budget reductions, Poindexter joined the firm to develop new commercial enterprises.
Having been given the Glyndebourne Estate for his own use he began to develop local enterprises there from 1920 onwards.
During this period, he worked on developing small and medium enterprises and promoting trade with China.
Nonetheless, members of these communities and many others have developed small-scale enterprises in the informal sector which continue to grow in range and number.
Together with the resort described below, it is working to develop enterprises that preserve and build on the natural resources of the reservation.
More encouragement should be given to farming families to develop small and medium-sized enterprises on their holdings.
This would also have helped to create jobs with rights and to develop micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
The Trust funds projects which seek to empower communities and individuals to develop successful commercially viable enterprises linked to the protection of biodiversity.
Tribal governments, though, use gaming revenues to develop other economic enterprises such as museums, malls, and cultural centers.