The ultimate goal, Dr. Clark said, is to learn more about the migration and behavior of all whales, as well as to develop more accurate estimates of their numbers.
Lobbyists and executives of the insurance, lodging and aircraft industries said that they were trying to develop estimates of the damage to their businesses and whether they, too, would need federal help.
In its annual report to shareholders issued this week, Aetna said it might develop estimates of its potential losses from environmental claims by the second or third quarter of this year.
What is needed now, Dr. Wilson said, is more observational data "so the theoreticians and field researchers can develop together evermore sophisticated estimates."
Each team member develops independent country-level estimates for the top 40 visitor origin markets based on numerous quantitative data and qualitative information.
The opponents say there is no way to develop sufficiently precise estimates of the effect of tax cuts on an economy as complex as the United States's.
The project used a number of different aircraft to develop methods of measuring ocean characteristics, and estimates of aerosols.
The Indian Health Service is developing similar estimates for American Indians/Alaska Natives.
Develop estimates Microsoft purchased Bungie for around $30 million, which seems absurdly low in the post-Halo world we now inhabit.
Develop preliminary estimates of development time, cost and effort.