Dr. Rienhoff said that if the company developed any diagnostic tests for diseases, the volunteers would be given the tests free.
A start-up company hopes to use the technology to develop diagnostic tools and drugs for autoimmune diseases.
Most primary care physicians are qualified to develop and manage treatment plans for chronic diseases such as CAD.
"Our goal has been to develop and manufacture new vaccines for diseases that we believe should be prevented rather than treated," Dr. Smith said.
Only four were developed by commercial pharmaceutical firms specifically for tropical diseases in humans.
By studying how that occurs, and how to control it, researchers could develop new treatments for diseases.
The foundation will develop quality measures for several diseases each year and promises a useful report card in only three or four years.
Actual cures were developed for certain endemic infectious diseases.
New Zealand white rabbits have been used to develop tests and drugs for diseases like diabetes, diphtheria, tuberculosis, cancer, and heart disease.
The aim is to develop drugs for several inflammatory diseases, particularly respiratory.