Others are developing complex mathematical functions to transform two-dimensional images into three-dimensional models.
If the same cell migrates to the auditory cortex, it would develop functions related to hearing, regardless of its genetic lineage.
Rather, they develop specialized functions based on the kind of information flowing into them after birth.
To personalize the profile, Renren has also developed functions to edit profile music and background.
Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa "developed a personality and functions of her own on Russian soil."
The extra copies are free to develop other functions and also to be put under different control mechanisms, Dr. Rubin said.
Supramolecular chemistry is often pursued to develop new functions that cannot appear from a single molecule.
Sheriffs, originally appointed by the King as royal administrators and tax collectors, developed legal functions.
Since highly conserved proteins are present in many different organisms, this increases the chance that they would develop secondary moonlighting functions.
Depending on the tissue where it is located, it develops different functions.