Research: Gather data on current use of elements of sustainability and develop reliable metrics and feedback loops that demonstrate the benefits related to the use of sustainable strategies.
The Center for Sustainable Systems develops and applies life cycle and systems analysis methods, models, and metrics for advancing sustainability and transforming systems to better meet human needs.
So the first thing would be to develop new metrics to measure students and faculty.
Rentrak has developed metrics to be used as database currencies for the evaluation and selling of entertainment content across many platforms including box office, multi-screen television, and home video.
He also worked for the University of California's Office of the President to develop metrics, performance evaluation software, and policy analysis related to the University of California's start-up companies.
Our hope is that states and districts develop thoughtful metrics that work for teachers like you portfolios, essays or oral exams which reflect the critical thinking skills you are teaching your students.
NIST develops standards, metrics, tests, and validation programs to promote, measure, and validate the security in information systems and services.
By using a top-down approach, marketers develop metrics and specific performance targets known as key performance indicators (KPI).
The think-tank is a non-profit that focuses on developing and promoting metrics for sustainability.
CNMI has completed bioassessments, developed sensitive metrics, and will propose coral reef biocriteria for adoption in their water quality standards.