As a minister, he has been a pioneer and leader in a movement toward multi-cultural/racial congregations, and in developing early Internet-based ministries.
During his tenure, Dudley developed several ecumenical ministries serving the poor, and fostered many retreat and spiritual renewal programs.
Mr. Burke said he would like to see the church develop other ministries, intended for specific groups in the community, like the elderly and people with AIDS.
Quite early in their history the Carmelites began to develop ministries in keeping with their new status as mendicant religious.
Pastorates consist of 20-50 people who, through meeting at least once a fortnight, can form strong friendships and support each other in care as well as developing individual gifts and ministries.
The Rev. Geoffrey Curtiss, the rector of All Saints parish in Hoboken, has worked with Mr. Beckwith for 20 years on developing urban ministries.
Although Aglow has an overarching mission and identity, each local group is allowed to develop ministries which are best suited to the immediate needs and social characteristics of its community.
In a guest column in The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, in which he discussed his decision to remove Father Callan, Bishop Clark praised the priest for developing "extraordinary ministries."
He developed overseas ministries and established Bible Clubs for young people which influenced the founding members of Youth for Christ International.
Her expertise and knowledge in reaching out to women working in local strip clubs has been utilized throughout the world by organizations seeking to develop like-minded ministries.