Other symptoms develop, such as pain in one area of the body, a cough, or urinary symptoms.
New church forms developed such as the oratorio, the passion, and the cantata.
In severe cases, life-threatening complications can develop, such as toxic megacolon.
Additional symbols developed, such as the custos, placed at the end of a system to show the next pitch.
Plan to get help right away if minor problems develop, such as breast engorgement or sore nipples.
Tell your doctor right away if you develop symptoms of high blood sugar, such as increased thirst and urination.
Males were in charge of hunting, and presumably through this activity developed important evolutionary traits, such as increased brain size.
There he developed around 30 web-based games, some of them multiplayer, such as Thorvarium 1 and 2.
The company then began to develop products for the commercial sector such as manufacturing x-ray equipment.
You may also develop an autoimmune disorder (such as a lupus-like syndrome).