He twisted around and slammed his back into Deanna's coffin, turning to face an equally startled Capt. Wesley Crusher, who was holding his chest and seemed to have developed trouble breathing.
Dr. Meyer said the man was lucky - she used the word with a sense of irony - because he developed trouble breathing and was admitted to the hospital through the emergency room.
Seek immediate medical attention if you develop: worsening chest pain, tightness/pressure in the chest, chest pain spreading to the jaw/neck/arm, unusual sweating, trouble breathing, or fast/irregular heartbeat.
Tell the doctor immediately if your baby develops unusual sleepiness, difficulty feeding, or trouble breathing.
Tell your doctor immediately if your infant develops increased sleepiness, difficulty feeding, or trouble breathing.
Seek immediate medical attention if you develop: trouble breathing.
If you use penicillin and then develop hives and trouble breathing or other symptoms of anaphylaxis, call911or other emergency services immediately.
Seek immediate medical attention if you develop muscle weakness or trouble breathing.
One woman said that whenever she thought about it, she developed trouble breathing.