In the meantime, the developer erected a large fence.
In May, city officials agreed to let developers erect residential towers and retail stores on the decaying north Brooklyn waterfront.
The developer would erect a 42-story tower, consistent with an apartment house next door.
A developer erects a wall, thinks of a theme, and gives the place a name.
The private developers would erect three high-rise towers with town-house and low-rise apartments, clustered to preserve open space.
This means that a developer in northern Manhattan can erect a 12-story tower in the middle of a brownstone block.
Taking advantage of the air rights they would purchase, developers could erect buildings on Eighth Avenue about 40 percent larger and bulkier than had been allowed.
The commission rejected the church's request to have a developer erect a 47-story tower adjoining the church.
Between 1990 and 2004 developers erected 85m sq m of commercial space in the city - equivalent to 334 Empire State buildings.
In 1992 he bought property in Fort Lee on which a developer had erected the steel frame for a six-story office building before going bankrupt.